Experience the best of Britain with a stay on UK holiday parks

Lifestyle & Lesiure
Type of Video
Promotional | Campaign | Advert | Featured

Project Objectives

We were tasked with creating a UK holiday advert for a leading holiday park brand. Showcasing the country from Yorkshire to Cornwall was a key element, as well as on-park activities. We were briefed that the video had to cater to different target demographics as an inclusive piece of media that would appeal to anyone.

Our Solution

We wanted to use actors on screen for the best performance - showcasing the holiday homes, activities and local area with these people. We visited parks all over the UK to collate different footage from the ground and the air to create a 90-second hero video, which was then broken down into further 10 - 60-second versions for different media uses. Britain and tranquillity go hand-in-hand!

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