Social-first cinematic commercial video for huge new retail electric vehicle product launch

Type of Video
Product | Social | Campaign

Project Objectives

Chameleon Technology pioneered the smart meter and now have brought an smart new electric vehicle charger product to market under their new brand, ivie. The client wanted creative ideas that would resonate with an audience that are used to clunky technology among frustrated customers using competitors' products. With many media buyouts in the brief we needed dynamic content that could be used for multiple advertisements.

Our Solution

Our creative social-first solution was to highlight old pain versus new gain. This would directly compare the new technology against that already on the market in a compelling and high quality manner. With all creative, production and post-production elements handled in house at Reel Film, we brough the campaign to screen that is now used widely across the country from TV to online and outdoor advertising to event stands.

Team Reel Film this absolutely was a magnificent piece of work! You should be super proud because we are. True to the brand, a tricky topic made simple and creative throughout! Will always be my favourite collaboration.

Jennifer Woodhall, Marketing & Communications Director, Chameleon Technology

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