Successful video campaign to drive applications for the next talented police force members

Public Sector
Type of Video

Project Objectives

North Yorkshire Police approached us to produce their next recruitment campaign content for the Force Control Room - in the form of a short and sharp hard-hitting video. The client requested we show the integral part the Force Control Room plays and how they directly link to the officers on the ground. They wanted to show people and keep the film engaging and active.

Our Solution

Our creative idea consisted of using real people rather than actors. We used real members of the Force Control Room and police officers on the ground to deliver the script to camera while using engaging imagery over the top of these people at work. Although raw and serious, the film took an inspiring tone, showcasing the impact these people play in everyday lives, making them heroes in their own right and driving more applications for the new roles available.

The Results

Every project we work on needs to a clear set of aims and objectives, on this one, they were smashed!

  • 27,000 Views in 24 hours

  • 253% Increase in applications

Wow, I’m crying! That is fab. Feedback so far:

“This is fantastic. Truly inspirational and I am proud of you all every day. I want a job in there myself!” Deputy Chief Constable

“This is brilliant piece of work, evoking lots of passion and pride” – HR Manager

“That’s fantastic!” Actually was quite emotional.” – Force Control Room

Janice Bryan, Corporate Communications Officer, North Yorkshire Police

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