The latest technology in secure and collaborative document storage, brought to screen

Type of Video
Product Video | Promotional Film

Project Objectives

After the success of their first video, Storetec asked us to create a short advert for their secure document storage solution, Freedocs. We were tasked to create the story of three people working together in different areas of the UK, working on the move, at home or in the office. Storetec wanted to showcase the main features of the Freedocs system and how you can access your document anywhere, anytime.

Our Solution

Once we got this brief in, we were bursting with ideas! We came up with a creative telling the story of three actors using the Storetec system, this would show the features being used while one of our actors was on the way to a meeting – the other two would be assisting collaboratively. This fast-paced and techy film easily explains the Freedocs proposition in a high-quality 60-second whistle-stop tour

Really impressed with the service by Reel FIlm. We tasked them with creating a tour video of our internal operations to showcase to potential clients. We absolutely love the video created and really appreciated the extra time they took to bring our vision to life.

Amy Wright, Marketing Manager, Storetec